Consolidate Financial Control Across Massive Multi-Account AWS Environments

Consolidate Financial Control Across Massive Multi-Account AWS Environments

As large enterprises scale cloud usage across hundreds of accounts and workloads, gaining a consolidated view into organization-wide AWS spend poses quite the challenge! Cost Explorer provides only fragmented visibility requiring tedious manual aggregation. But with Cloud Financial Management I’m thrilled to finally consolidate this complexity.

By linking all payer accounts and enabled SCP access to resource accounts, Cloud Financial Management synthesizes enterprise spend in one powerful dashboard. The benefits of unified visibility for optimize cloud investments across decentralized business units adds up quickly!

Centralized Guardrails Across All Accounts

With all accounts rolled up, configure:

• Unified budget thresholds and allocation rules
• Cross-account cost alerting when departments overspend
Consolidated RI purchase recommendations based on aggregate workload needs

These centralized controls govern shared cloud efficiency best practices across the entire company.

Delegated Authority to Admins
While unified visibility and policy helps headquarter oversight, delegated admin access empowers distributed teams. Assign granular access like isolating departmental admins to just their accounts or budgets. This retains flexibility for divisions while improving transparency.

Uncover Savings Beyond Siloed Accounts

Analyzing spend collectively often exposes cost savings opportunities hidden within isolated accounts and workloads. Identify:

• Overlapping services wasting spends on duplication
• Spiked usage from an abandoned environment
• Buying power benefits consolidating instance commitments

Start previewing Cloud Financial Management today to experience simplified yet powerful financial governance across all AWS accounts!

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