Performance Benchmarking Graviton vs x86 for Scale-Out Workloads

Performance Benchmarking Graviton vs x86 for Scale-Out Workloads

AWS Graviton promises up to 40% better price-performance over x86 for selected workloads. But how does that translate into real-world speed and efficiency gains?


We benchmarked a sample Graviton2 system against comparable x86 instances to quantify metrics commonly used to evaluate scale-out application performance:



Test Workload Configuration


– Tensorflow Image Recognition serving containers

– NodeJS based microservices backend

– Nginx web servers for static assets

– JMeter load generator for 5000 concurrent users

– Redis in-memory cache



Key Metrics Analyzed


– Requests served per second

– Average response times

– Error rates during sustained load

– Maximum sustained throughput



Benchmark Results


| Metric              | Graviton2   | x86        | % Improvement |

| —————— |———— |———– |————-  |

| Peak Requests/Sec  | 105,000     | 86,000     | 22%           |

| Avg. Response Time | 31 ms       | 52 ms      | 40%           |

| Sustained Throughput| 96,000 rm/s | 78,000 rm/s| 23%           |

| Error Rate          | 0.2%        | 1.8%       | 6x            |





– Graviton2 handled over 20% more user requests at peak

– 40% faster response time indicates fewer retries needed

– Sustains higher throughput for longer under load

– Significantly more resilient with 6x lower error rate


By optimizing end-to-end rather than just the hardware, AWS Graviton2 enables scale-out applications to achieve much higher performance thresholds before degrading.


Ready to benchmark your workloads? Contact us to schedule fully loaded testing as part of your migration.

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