Showcase Cloud Cost Savings with Custom Savings Tracking Reports

Showcase Cloud Cost Savings with Custom Savings Tracking Reports

One of my favorite Cloud Financial Management capabilities is the ability to build custom reports demonstrating optimization savings over time. By capturing waste scores and right-sizing actions logged within the system, enterprises can quantify efficiency improvements and cost reductions in executive-friendly reports.

No more hoping leadership teams understand the ROI of tedious cloud governance efforts. Actual savings metrics validate the wins finance teams deliver optimizing cloud!

Configurable Views Across Savings Initiatives

Custom reports detail savings on initiatives like:

Resizing overprovisioned instances
• Removing unused resources
• Improving Storage class tiers
Leveraging AWS discounts and commitments
• Enforcing quotas on unused services

And easily filter savings views by department, application, cloud account, and other attributes.

Ongoing and Historical Savings Tracking

Compare current period savings against past monthly, quarterly or annual values. Trend the growth in efficiency over time since adopting Cloud Financial Management. Expanding optimization savings quarter to quarter builds credibility for the value cloud governance brings.

Or showcase cumulative cost avoidance and reclaimed spends from legacy waste over the lifetime of the cloud environment. Impress leadership with 6 and 7 figure optimization returns!

Tie Savings Directly to Key Initiatives
The best part is tying documented savings back to the migration to cloud, build out of an analytics platform, or launch of a new product. When cloud investments and projects footprint to cost management goals, it accelerates executive buy-in for cloud transformation.

Let Cloud Financial Management start showcasing cloud success through improvement tracking tailored to your environment. Sign up today!

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