Introduction to AWS Graviton Processors: What are they and why do they matter?

Introduction to AWS Graviton Processors: What are they and why do they matter?

AWS Graviton is Amazon Web Services’ latest innovation in cloud computing infrastructure – custom-designed ARM processors tailored for data center workloads. Graviton powers select EC2 instance families to deliver up to 40% better price-performance over comparable Intel x86 instances.


But what exactly are AWS Graviton processors? And why should cloud-based businesses care about the hardware powering cloud instances?


Understanding AWS Graviton Processors


AWS Graviton utilizes 64-bit Arm Neoverse cores optimized for speed plus floating point and machine learning capabilities. By combining high efficiency mobile phone chips with data center-class features, Graviton achieves superior performance per watt over generic x86 servers. Learn more about it here.


The processors seamlessly plug into the AWS infrastructure – allowing easy migration without code changes. Graviton instances utilize existing operating systems, APIs, EBS volumes. This makes leveraging Graviton acceleration simple for developers.


Advantages of Graviton for Cloud Workloads


For scale-out workloads like web/mobile backends, microservices, caching, and media processing, AWS Graviton delivers measurable benefits:


– Up to 40% lower costs compared to comparable x86

– Consistent high throughput and low latency performance

– Efficient scaling to support thousands of concurrent users

– Optimized for both Linux and Windows based application stacks


Why Graviton Matters for Cloud Economics


Today’s cloud applications demand flexible scale on-demand. Graviton’s purpose-built design translates into sizable TCO savings for organizations:


  1. Reduces the infrastructure costs for serving modern workloads
  2. Allows maintaining high application performance within limited budgets
  3. Enables smaller teams to punch above their weight infrastructure-wise


For lean teams operating on tight cloud budgets, AWS Graviton unlocks additional capabilities otherwise out of financial reach. The economic advantages make a truly compelling case for migrating to Graviton today.

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